Occlum-Compatible Executable Binaries

The hello_world demo is based on musl libc with recompiling. But Occlum actually can support both musl libc and glibc based executable binaries without recompiling if they meet below three principles.

No fork syscall

By design, Occlum doesn’t support fork syscall. If there is fork syscall in the application, users have to assess if the fork could be replaced by vfork + exec or posix spawn. If yes, code modification and recompiling is inevitable.

libc version compatibility

No recompiling doesn’t mean the original libc libraries can be directly used in Occlum. To run in Occlum TEE environment, customized libc libraries are provided in the Occlum development docker image.

libc Compatible Version in Occlum Path in Occlum Docker Image
musl libc <=1.1.24
(default version in Alpine:3.11)
glibc <=2.31
(default version in Ubuntu:20.04)

Actually, the original libc libraries are to be replaced silently in Occlum build stage by copy_bom tool.

Compiled with PIE (Position-Independent-Executable)

Current Ubuntu:20.04 and Alpine:3.11 enable PIE in default.